Let me remain politically incorrect and make an observation that cannot be proved or disproved because it is simply not testable. But that is what writers do. They observe. And here is my observation:
The feminization (we are long past emasculated) of men, the obesity epidemic, and the rampant belligerence and rage of our time;
are all symptoms of a base cause.
The media is having a field day with the absurd image of Jared Kushner in Iraq. I can't imagine why. Or should I say, why is it that Kushner appears ridiculous and the women in the photo above Kushner are "strong and independent?" I think the media should turn the cameras around and look at themselves. Kushner is the natural outcome of a human infant who came home from the hospital to a climate controlled, sterile, artificially illuminated environment where comfort and convenience were prized above all else, and so are the women in the above photo.
Childhood obesity is getting worse (click the link!!!!), and some researcher somewhere projects (I have no idea how) that 75% of the Millenial generation will be obese before their 40th birthday? You don't say!
"MALE INFERTILITY CRISIS IN U.S. HAS EXPERTS BAFFLED"Nonsense. The "experts" are not baffled. They are scared to death of offending the Authoritarians. The media is only too happy to talk about falling sperm counts and testosterone in men, but the endocrine status of women seems to be off-limits, as is female obesity and mental health. Why?
I very respectfully submit that there is no such thing as a "cure" for a symptom. I further submit that there are no macro solutions to any of this. It is up to the individual to go after the cause.
And Jared Kushner, nay all effeminate metrosexual men, deserves the same empathy that the "body acceptance" people demand their victim group. The enemy isn't Republicans, Democrats, the Left or the Right. The enemy is the universal comfort and convenience of modernity.
If you are interested in maintaining your sanity, your health, and building a real-life: email me at greg@quuchurch.org. You don't have to live like that.
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