Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Tis the Season for Reason

Thousands of years ago Bronze Age scribes and intellectuals attempted to engage in a universal philosophical explanation of existence, political science/organization, and the control of labor and agricultural production in an agrarian civilization that evolved into the foundational texts of the great religions of the Middle East. There is a long and ever-growing list of discoveries about existence that dwarfs the ideas promulgated and contained in the totality of these ancient texts and almost entirely in contravention of them—and yet they endure.

People seem to need tradition and continuity, so much so that when confronted with new and better evidence regarding our existence, people choose tradition and continuity over the evidence. This conflict will eventually be settled in the bedroom by human sexuality and in the kitchen around the family table—not in a political body or on a battlefield or in a pulpit.

Conflict has been a universal human experience. We exist in a constant struggle for primacy—for resources, for sexual partners, and for descendants. Obviously, our desire and passion for procreation have consistently won out over conflict. When cultures clash, first they fight—then they have sex and produce children. Individual survival of conflict, whatever the conflict is, always manifests itself in the next generation. If it had not, I would not be writing this and you would not be reading this.

Large swaths of the body politic of the West deny this, but they are going extinct—even as they rage. Biology and mortality are completely indifferent even to its own errors, which nature cures every 70 years or so. “Those who breed, succeed (at least politically)” (original to me; feel free to use it early and often).

A friend sent me a video of one of the morning TV shows (we don’t have commercial TV in the home and he thought I would find this worth seeing) in which several aging/middle-aged talking heads were ringing their hands about the latest propaganda battle in the Gender War and wondering out loud, “How are we going to come back from this?” Such mind-boggling arrogance! “How are we going to come back from this?” From where? Two people, who had consensual sex while working together at the same company?  Mankind "came back" from nuclear bombings, the Holocaust, the Ukraine famine, the Killing Fields, the slaughter in the Congo... and these people are wondering "How we are going to come back from this?"

Leaving that silly idea alone for the moment: it all really depends how one defines “we.” Since most of the people talking on that show, its writers, producers, and executives, will either be pushing up daisies in a cemetery or be drooling in a nursing home within 20 years (7,305 days, 1,044 Saturday nights) or so (and maybe a lot sooner), I don’t know why they are so concerned or why they should include themselves in this “we” thing. Do they think that their children—if they bothered to produce any—are even remotely concerned?

Blinded by the lights of the cameras, these media “players”—and the people enthralled to them—have entered into the terminal phase of their cultural existence, completely unaware that the grim reaper is standing right behind them. They have spent their existence as “moralists with a stick” (also original to me). People who do not actually live themselves, spending their existence watching other people living on TV/computer screens and intently internalizing the belief systems that the media producers infect them with, and beating the people who do actually live about the head and shoulders for not conforming to a morality that the moralists cannot even articulate. A morality that completely denies the biological imperative and life-giving force of (hetero) human sexuality, and which has lately contrived to convince the common man that there is no difference between the ideas of Malem In Se and Malem Prohibitum. And they are willing to sacrifice our joy in life at the sacred alter of their temporary sense of self-importance. But Mother Nature, including biology, always bats last.

These are people who Creation was not kind to. Creation infused them with confusion. Creation crossed and shorted-out their wires and deformed their structure. For some strange reason these poor souls feel they can get even with Creation via the destruction of Life itself, of our culture and history, of our intellectual, personal, and artistic achievements, and anything and everything that might possibly contradict their narrative and by doing so give comfort and support to their feelings of inadequacy and sense of persecution. Such people rarely have children and so have more time to politically agitate and radicalize in their efforts to destroy—to “get even” with—Creation. Of course, that is never going to happen. The universe is going to do what it was set in motion to do. What will happen is that these people are going to pass from existence, as every man who has ever died has done and every man who has not died as yet is going to do. The earth and Creation will swallow them up and break down the errors made in their DNA into ashes and dust, and a new crop of human beings, people who, like every other human being, came into existence at the point of an aroused male attracted to and temporarily objectifying the incredible beauty of a nubile feminine female, will come of age completely unaware and unconcerned with the sensibilities of these lost souls. And not so much as a faint echo of their enraged—and deranged—existence will endure.

All people are born with an unlimited capacity to experience joy, passion, pleasure, achievement, love, and the virtue of integrity expressed in the care of their children before their life ends. For reasons that will likely never be fully understood—not because these reasons cannot be understood but because the sensibilities of these people are not worthy of being understood—some people choose to spend the time they were allocated expressing outrage at existence. Such people are never celebrated. They are never mourned. They are never missed. Not even by their compatriots or those they claim to champion. The rugby scrum of humanity will continue down the path of evolution and will wink out of existence just as every other mammalian species has done or will do, and in the same inconsequential timeframe on the cosmic existence scale.

The enraged, the frightened, and the neurotic are incapable of Reason. They are incapable of producing children as well as raising well-adjusted children into functioning adults. They seek to destroy that which they themselves cannot participate in, but in the final analysis, these people simply do not matter. They are dead-ends and a cautionary tale waiting to be reduced to fictional stories for future generations—an “Aesop’s Fables” for the anti-social deviants who experience anger rather than joy and passion and procreation.

In the “Devine Comedy”, Dante places the angry and the sullen in the “Fifth Circle of Hell”. How prescient of Dante! If Reason allowed for Hell I think that is right where the angry and sullen of this time belong.



 #Simplicity #Integrity #Localism #Community #Feminism #Authoritarianism #PrivateProperty #Liberty #Family #Abortion #Collectivism #Authoritarianism #Family #Quaker #Philosophy #Libertarian  #MeToo # Liberals # Progressive # Democrat #RightToLife #MeNeither

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